
My Product result

Hello,everybody,my name is Andrew Yap. I am a distributor of Herbalife. Nice to meet you all. Here is my herbalife result.
Before that, i am 94kg and my waist is 42inches. You can imagine that i can't buy my shoulder at supermarket. Just can wear the big size one and tall shoulder while i just 165cm only. I thought the national service, i success to lose 19kg within 3 months. After i came out from national service, i began regain weight. I feel sad and don't know how to arrange my time to exercise. After 1 year, i met the nutrition corner. I started using product after a meeting at KL. I can lose my weight 14kg in 4 months, the most important is my energy more better, mt constipation is gone, my sleep is good then my new life is began.........

